Bossafied: Swooning Over "Bossa N' Chicago"

I'm Bossafied. I just got a copy of “Bossa N’ Chicago,” and I just fell in love with this album. I have “Bossa N’ Roses,” “Bossa N’ Marley,” and “Bossa N’ Bread” too. I liked “Roses,” but when I found out about this, this became the new favorite Bossa album. The latter two, I really was not that hooked to the renditions because, with “Marley,” I am not that familiar with most of the tracks (I only know “Waiting in Vain” and “Redemption Song”), and with “Bread,” although I’ve heard most of their songs from my childhood years, the covers were too upbeat compared to the slow tempo that Bread songs are known for.

It’s a shame, though, that the Bossanized “Chicago” album can’t be found online and that the artists who sang the songs are not mentioned and are labeled as just “Various Artists.” This does not give justice to the voices behind these great tracks. I must say that most of the songs are mainstream radio material. If only I were back in my DJ’ing job, no doubt about it, I’d squeeze in some of these songs into the playlist. Try getting a copy and be ready to be Bossafied from the opening track till the end. “Will You Still Love Me?” is a personal favorite. Click here to listen to this album.

Heard a preview of “Bossa N’ D’Sound” and I’m currently on the album-haunt for this. I hope I get a copy.