Got an earful of what I believe is their third single called “Momma Sed,” and what a nice song. You still hear the familiar Tool-ish Keenan on the vocals, but this time, the arrangement is not like those we normally find from Tool or APC albums.
Shame, shame, but I haven’t heard the first two releases off their “V is for Vagina” album (lack of a better title?), so I could not make a love-this! deduction on the band or of their songs. But just the thought of Keenan and Tool and APC is enough to have me scavenging for Puscifer music.
Another album hunt? Go!

“Momma Sed”
Wake up, son of mine.
Momma got something to tell you.
Changes come.
Life will have its way
with your pride, son.
Take it like a man.
Hang on, son of mine.
A storm is blowing up your horizon.
Changes come.
Keep your dignity.
Take the high road,
Take it like a man.
Listen up, son of mine.
Momma got something to tell you.
All about growing pains.
Life will pound away
where the light don't shine, son.
Take it like a man.
Suck it up, son of mine.
Thunder blowing up your horizon.
Changes come.
Keep your dignity.
Take the higher road.
Take it like a man.
Momma said life awaits
like a kidney stone.
It's just a broken heart, son.
This pain will pass away.